

Learning my DSLR camera

Notice how everyone is taking pictures and sharing them on social media these days - and Instagram, the photo sharing site is exploding!

My cell phone is old and does not take very good  pictures - especially in low light,  so I finally  took my "real" camera out of the closet and dusted it off  again.  Let me explain.....  my holiday pictures were really bad , bad lighting, wrong settings and a huge frustration for me. Even on the auto setting they were not coming out very well. I kind of gave up until-

A forced 48 hour rest because of a pulled muscle in my back led me to start reading my camera manual and learning more about  the functions and features of my DSLR camera. What was a bummer at the time
( laying on the sofa for a whole weekend)  turned out to be a blessing because I am beginning to see improvement in my pictures and I have found a new hobby!

Taking really good pictures is a skill that is learned with many hours of practice and trial and error. I mean hours and hours of practice. It was clear very quickly that it's not as easy as it looks, and taking good photos is not all about how expensive the camera is either! Sometimes it's the user :) 

 I have been researching and soaking up information on Pinterest and photo websites with tips and tutorials. There are also private FB groups that will help with gentle critiques of your pictures and advice for how to improve. There is a whole big photo world out there !

 I even started my own 52 week photo challenge with a few others, so that we take pictures in a more deliberate way and a chance to learn on a regular basis. ( More on that another time ) 

As I started reading up on photography, a few tips and themes have surfaced consistently -  like  understanding aperture, ISO and shutter speed . I will share some leanings in a future post. . 

In the meantime, if you want to get started on reading up on getting better pictures with a DSLR camera - here are a few places that I found to be very, very helpful. These photography sites were great in providing information in easy to understand language like how to get out of the AUTO setting  tutorials and  a basic understanding of the buttons and modes on the camera as well as concepts of composition and the importance of light.

Check these awesome websites out :

Other interesting photography blogs :

Peonies and Polaroids

Photo Focus

No Caption Needed

Do you have some favorite photography resources?

Time to run   -  have a good week! 


Happy Easter! When Easter rolls around, I know that warmer weather is not too far away.
We had a relaxing Easter weekend with an added bonus of pecan truffles for dessert -  made by my husband!

 They are filled with chocolate rum mousse and then a chocolate frosting crust topped with a perfect pecan. Soooo good !

A few simple ingredients turned into a masterpiece by this wonderful guy.

April Snow

Its April something and we have snow this morning. If it were October , the snow  might be a little exciting, but not in April.

Our forsythia bush just broke out in delicate flowers a few days ago, and then bam- it was hit by the cold and snow. I did salvage some of the blossoms for the house.

The bunny that likes the clover in the backyard was interrupted from his lunch when the flakes started coming down pretty heavy.  I don't think he was to happy either and  he did not stay long....

 Have a wonderful Friday!


Lazy Sunday

Lazy Winter Sunday

The holidays are officially over, but the long winter days are still here. Today I'm relaxing and enjoying the quiet cozy moments as the snow is falling outside.

From my spot on the sofa I can take in the antique oil painting in soft muted colors . It's  a very relaxing picture and perfectly suited on the black wall. The mantel is very simple for the winter months with only pinecones gathered from the yard and a few lanterns  purchased a few years ago from Pottery Barn.
Other parts of the house are similarly decorated with subtle hints of winter using winter landscape  paintings , pinecones and candles.
The view of the 3 season porch from my spot on the sofa. It feels good to do nothing.



Learning to use my SONY a35  is more difficult than I thought .  I've been reading up on Pinterest and the google as much as I can - and then I have been experimenting with the settings and practicing with tons of pictures.  Most of the pictures are not looking like what I think they should  look like - especially the rooms - full view . Is my  perception  far from reality ? or bad photography?  or both?

I think that some of the rooms and wall decor look pretty good- until I see the photographs that is !  Anyway....

Our house is decorated pretty much the same as last year with maybe a few less things. I'm hoping that
 2016 is going to be a year of reducing clutter and accessories around the house . Well I will try my darnedest anyway !  I must admit that clutter of chotchkies and knick knacks are something that I struggle with  constantly .

Christmas presents for my girlfriends were decorated with greens from the garden and pine cones from the tree in the front yard. I like the simplicity . I used a cute stamp of a vintage car , and stamped it on watercolor paper . With just a few brush strokes of water colors and a hole punch - they were complete.

I used a macro lens to get this picture above to be in focus up front and blurry  in the back.  I still need practice here .

Every year I set up a spot with the snow babies that I received as gifts over the years.

The Christmas tree has dwindled to a tall thin specimen (fake) of a tree to what is known as a pencil tree. Im not sure how I feel about the shape- but we have limited space so it works here. 

A few more shots of the holiday decor on the living room buffet.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ! 


More Home Garden Ideas on my website

This is a little terrarium that  I pulled together with some things that I had around the house.  The vintage tea cup from a thrift store was the perfect container for a tiny fern and some moss.  I liked how it all came together . Easy too!

  1. Find a small teacup  and a clay saucer ( thrift store!)
  2. Place one layer of pebbles at the bottom of the cup  for drainage
  3. Add Potting Mix half way up the cup
  4. Add a small plant
  5. Put a bit of moss on top to cover the soil
  6. Add some moss in the saucer
  7. "Thread " 2 buttons through a stick pin and add a note
  8. Place the cloche over the teacup and enjoy! 

Trying my best to get a good crop of herbs and tomatoes this summer !