

Learning to use my SONY a35  is more difficult than I thought .  I've been reading up on Pinterest and the google as much as I can - and then I have been experimenting with the settings and practicing with tons of pictures.  Most of the pictures are not looking like what I think they should  look like - especially the rooms - full view . Is my  perception  far from reality ? or bad photography?  or both?

I think that some of the rooms and wall decor look pretty good- until I see the photographs that is !  Anyway....

Our house is decorated pretty much the same as last year with maybe a few less things. I'm hoping that
 2016 is going to be a year of reducing clutter and accessories around the house . Well I will try my darnedest anyway !  I must admit that clutter of chotchkies and knick knacks are something that I struggle with  constantly .

Christmas presents for my girlfriends were decorated with greens from the garden and pine cones from the tree in the front yard. I like the simplicity . I used a cute stamp of a vintage car , and stamped it on watercolor paper . With just a few brush strokes of water colors and a hole punch - they were complete.

I used a macro lens to get this picture above to be in focus up front and blurry  in the back.  I still need practice here .

Every year I set up a spot with the snow babies that I received as gifts over the years.

The Christmas tree has dwindled to a tall thin specimen (fake) of a tree to what is known as a pencil tree. Im not sure how I feel about the shape- but we have limited space so it works here. 

A few more shots of the holiday decor on the living room buffet.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ! 

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