

April Snow Blast

Snow in April ! ARGHHH!

I thought that we were on the downside of winter,  and I suppose we are .  sigh .

 The snow seems to have been piled up all over the place forever .  Including overnight .

Just when I think that I'll be able to check the garden to see if anything ( like a tulip or two- is that asking too much?) might be peeking up through the dirt, another 3-5 inches of the white stuff comes barreling down .

Heres the view from my office this morning - Do you see my red chairs that are looking so cold?

In the mean time - instead of harboring bad thoughts about the weather, I am keeping busy planning my summer parties.  I love parties.

I got a lot of inspiration for a Mexican Fiesta party on a recent trip to Mexico .  I loved this wooden settee below , and all of the colorful banners I saw in the outdoor cafes and shops. And the food we ate during this trip was fabulous

Some  pictures  from that trip are here on my website

this is the settee that I saw ........ isn't it grand?

I can't wait to celebrate summer with an outdoor  PARTAAAAY!

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