

Weekend Walk in Autumn

 I took a walk this weekend through our community gardens . Not many people were up and around yet , so it was peaceful and quiet. I snapped a few pictures of the last flowers and blooms that were hanging on from the summer .I found one last cone flower and a tone of seed pods.

Notice how blue and clear the sky is?   I didn't photo shop this - it was just that blue.
We used to call these seed pods milk weed. not sure what it really is , but 
I know that butterflies like it.

This shrub is really cool . Love love love  the texture.
The neighborhood birds will love these berries all winter long!

So bright and cheery

A few more flowers that have survived the fall drought.

 These Pee Gee Hydrangeas were gorgeous!  I was on public property and could not cut or pick any . 
I do have these in my garden too so I may have to make one last bouquet with whatever is left in my garden.
I came around the bend in the road and saw the grasses. Breathtaking!

I've got to add native grasses to our back yard.They are easy to care for, takes little rain and looks so cool.

This community garden has wildlife habitats throughout the property. This is a butterfly house rising above the weeds - I mean native plants  ( above)

The sun was high and bright - what  a wonderful day to take pictures and enjoy being outside .

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